Western Access Systems Association (WASA) Conference
Institute of Door Dealer Education and Accreditation (IDEA) Certifications
Benefits for the Local Orange County Community
This quarter, the entire Entry Systems team visited this year's WASA Conference. WASA stands for the Western Access Systems Association. This was previously CODA, or the California Operator and Door Association, but that organization has merged with garage door and gate professionals in the neighboring states of Arizona, Nevada, and Utah. Entry Systems has been a member of this organization for over 15 years.

We had a fantastic time with our team on the trade show floor. Here we chatted with many of our favorite manufacturer's representatives and met new faces! We were also excited to see new products, technology, and designs we can introduce to our Orange County garage door and gate customers.
Institute of Door Dealer Education and Accreditation Certifications for Residential Garage Door Installers Passed!
Congratulations to five of our Entry Systems garage door technicians for passing their residential installer certification tests! They are now accredited by the Institute of Door Dealer Education & Accreditation. Our company is also an accredited door dealer, and our operations manager, Jonathan, is a certified garage door trainer.
As a dealership accredited by the Institute of Door Dealer Education and Accreditation, we have attained the highest level of professionalism awarded by the door and operator industry. In addition, our status as an accredited door dealer requires that we continue to stay abreast of the latest information and policies in the industry.

What does this mean for the local Orange County community?
- We have proven experience with the products we sell, and we have demonstrated this knowledge through the scrutiny of an independent organization (IDEA).
- We have successfully passed written examinations on Accounting and General Business Principals, Legal and Insurance, OSHA Regulations and Safety Compliance, Residential Technical Basics, Commercial Technical Basics, and Sales and Marketing Management to demonstrate our professional knowledge.
- We have demonstrated our commitment to overall industry quality and excellence by investing time and money to earn the distinction.
- We continuously pursue new information and education regarding our ever-changing industry, products, and ability to meet customers' needs.
- You will be doing business with a local Orange County garage door and gate company that has earned an achievement that fewer than one percent of the garage door and operator dealers in the United States and Canada have achieved.