
Group of Volunteers at Bracken's Kitchen in Orange County, CA wearing aprons while doing meal prep.

Orange County Nonprofit Bracken's Kitchen

Last week, Entry Systems' general manager Jonathan volunteered with a small group of Family Business members at Bracken's Kitchen, an Orange County nonprofit based in Garden Grove.

Their primary objective is to serve healthy and nutritious meals to families in need, and they do this through the collective effort of their dedicated staff and volunteers. They provide weekly meals to several charities, including the Illumination Foundation, South County Outreach, and American Family Housing.

Jonathan, Entry System's General Manager, doing meal prep for OC nonprofit Bracken's Kitchen. He is in an apron with individual meal containers.

Bracken's Kitchen operates solely on grants and donations. It obtains its food supplies from large chain stores that would otherwise have to dispose of them due to nearing their expiration date. However, instead of wasting delicious food, Bracken's Kitchen rescues it. It turns it into delectable meals that are both healthy and delicious.

Jonathan was amazed to learn that they use the lower half of broccoli that most restaurants would throw away to make their fantastic, highly nutritious soup.

Community Meals and Volunteer Work

The organization also receives donations of mislabeled or misordered products, which they then use to prepare their meals. They package meals for individuals and families of four and include a lovely label with reheating instructions. It is inspiring to note that they feed an astounding 8,000 people daily!

On the day he volunteered, Jonathan helped package over 600 meals alongside the staff and other volunteers. He also helped prepare delicious soup by cutting vegetables in one of their kitchens.

Group of Volunteers at Bracken's Kitchen in Orange County, CA wearing aprons while doing meal prep.
Group of Volunteers at Bracken's Kitchen in Orange County, CA wearing aprons while doing meal prep. This is an outside group pic.

Making a Difference in the Orange County Community

In conclusion, Bracken's Kitchen is an incredible organization that is making a significant difference in the lives of countless people. Their commitment to providing healthy and nutritious meals to those in need and their sustainable practices of rescuing food that would otherwise go to waste are truly admirable.

For Jonathan, volunteering with them was a meaningful experience and integral to Entry System's commitment to supporting the Orange County community. He looks forward to continuing to support their cause.
